The fancy bird mansion for the really spoiled and rich bird brats, it's hanging on our balcony and comes with a private restaurant too.

The less fancy bird house hanging on one of our birches.

My grandparents' farm. Oskar, my youngest brother, lives in the yellow house.


The steaming and joyful crowds of Bäckefors gathering in the center of town for some Easter celebrations. The community center cleverly named Bäckegården functions as a library, cinema, party place, you name it. In the left part of it is The Pizzeria (you can actually get beer there, which makes it one of the most popular venues in town).

Some spring coltsfoot peeking out of the ground outside of dad's garage. In Swedish it is called by its latin name Tussilago which means cough supressant, one of the medical uses it has.

The animal farm at home is a constant source of amusement. Here Greta the crazy kitten has decided to give Hirvi the crazy dog a full body massage. Hirvi seems pleased. :-)

My middle brother Martin was home for a few days and we decided to take the 4WD out to check out the forest road my dad is building.

This is me driving the monster up an incredibly steep hill. Living on the edge indeed... :-P

The last part of the forest road.

We found a huge anthill and I just had to take a very artistic photo of the little bastards.

After the anthill we dropped in for a surprise visit to our neighbor Patrik (the least known one of the Ninja Turtles) and of course he couldn't help himself but filling us up good with copious amounts of beer, booze, food and other unmentionable things.

Me and Martin accepted reluctantly. (On another note I want to emphasize that the reason my nose looks so big in this photo is PURELY AN EFFECT OF THE LENS!!!) ;-)

Some traditional Swedish Easter decorations, Påskgumman. She rides to Blåkulla on her broom stick for mysterious and long forgotten reasons. Martin was curious about some other Påskgumman mysteries as you can see from where his hand is going... Sigh!

After "a few" schnaps we went out to testride the other kids' (Tobias and Daniel's) tricycles. Unfortunately I have no photos of Martin sitting on my shoulders as I crash into Patrik's leg, but I hear there is a very funny video of the event being spread around Bäckefors as I write. Hmm. Good? :-)

Tobias was a much better tricycle driver than any of us. (Though to our defence he hadn't had nearly as much to drink and his legs were actually the right length.)

The Blues Brothers waiting for dinner.

My brother the monster looking for hot chicks in the photo album.

He was better looking with the mask on.... This was at some blurry point in the end of the night.

The next day my mom and dad prepared another tradition, that of throwing påskbrev, Easter letters. They are filled with candy and my dad had loads of fun painting the letters. Kids normally dress up as "Easter men" and "Easter women" and run around and throw these to other kids. Then they sort out all the healthy stuff such as the apples my parents smuggled in there and devour the unhealthy candy instead. Unfortunately this old tradition is gradually disappearing as children are more and more turning over to American-style Halloween instead, something that was unheard of when I was a kid. (The only thing you did back then was to go and light candles at your family members' graves.) Oh well, times they are a-changing.

At least we got a visit from two real Easter men, suspiciously similar to the blurry memory I had of the Blues Brothers from the day before.

A few days later snow fell over Bräckan 1...

So I decided to finish this post off in true Asian tragi-romantic drama style by ending it in the same way it started but still different. Then I went to watch this scaringly suitably named Corean movie I had called "April Snow", while I watched just that fall outside of the window. Spoooky! :-D
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