Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Octoberfest in Villa General Belgrano

Last weekend I went on a little trip with people from my school and other complete strangers to this little village close to Cordoba where apparently a lot of people of German origin live and where they arrange an Octoberfest every year. It was a three day trip and a whole lot of sitting in a bus, which sucked and made my sensitive butt hurt, but when we were outside of the bus life was great.

Day 1

The first day we spent tanning and rock climbing by a river close to the hotel we were at and later on in the evening we went to a local club. In the hotel I was originally in a room with six guys and only five beds, but fortunately I managed to avoid the not so tempting fate of having to snuggle next to another dude in the matrimonial by changing rooms. Next to my new room there was a birthday party going on in the night and me being a very nice and sociable person I decided to stumble in there in my semi-drunk state and practice my Spanish. Only to end up in a male strip show. (No, it wasn't me.) Drunk Argentinians in a birthday party are funny. Even funnier was later on that night when I ran into the group again in a street in the town. They were sitting by some tables outside of a bar and the most intoxicated of them pointed towards one of the girls that were also sitting there and screamed something to me in Spanish that I didn't understand. Anyway the result was that everyone in the streets, mostly locals I think, turned their heads towards me and gave me a weird look. Later I found out that he had said something like: "Edward!! She is pregnant! You have to take your responsability!!" :-)

Life is tough when the sun is frying you alive...

Patrick taking a nap standing while someone is hanging from a cloud in the background.

Beautiful scenery on the way back from the river...

"Prost, dein alter Schwede!!" German party animals Fidelius & Patrick knew what a good Octoberfest was supposed to be like.

"Que lo cumplas feliiiz!!" Random shot from the birthday party I happened to stumble into. The photos I got from after this point weren't really publishable anymore. Suffice to say Argentinian birthdays seem a lot more fun than Swedish ones. :-)

Day 2

The second day was the day of the Octoberfest. We went to the place where the party was, Villa General Belgrano, and stayed there basically doing nothing but eating a lot of meat, watching mid-European folk dances and, need I say it, getting drunk. Good times, very good times...

Lots of people and beer and the mood was superb.

"Up, up... and away!!" (Ok, sorry, a little disgusting perhaps...)

Me, Mini & Molly (sorry about the alliteration) swinging our freaking gorgeous Argentinian Octoberfest jugs.

Carolina & Toby having a ball. If you wonder what the abnormally big smiles are about, just check out the text on Toby's t-shirt... Hehe. :-)

"Mira mira!! Tengo retro-onda pipicucu!", teacher Aldana experimenting with new hair dos.

"Mom, why does everyone else get to drink beer and have fun but me???"

Day 3

The third day we started slow with an asado (Argentinian BBQ) in the hotel. Extremely yummy and much needed for our starving beer bellies! After that we had to get into the bus and start our ride back to Buenos Aires. Oh, I forgot to tell you about the bus. It was hell, pure hell, and I thought I was going to die. Apparently the bus company screwed us and gave us one good and one bad bus. Guess who ended up in the shitty one, yep, yours truly. Trust me, you don't want to spend 50 hours in a bus where half of the interior is missing, the toilet smells in the whole bus and the first gear occasionally decides not to work. The gear thing I found especially worrysome when going in 120 km/h. Anyway, in typical Argentinian spirit, what do you think happens on the way home? Pouting and complaining? No way, instead someone pulls out an MP3 player and some mini loudspeakers and suddenly everyone is out of their seat, standing up and dancing in the middle of the bus!! T-shirts come off, solo song performances are carried out and people are just plain CRAZY!!! This went on for several hours, I kid you not! You just gotta love it! :-D

Mmmmm, the asado in the hotel really made those now 28 year old taste buds come to life again.

Trying to push the bus from hell into first gear... :-)

The completely crazy bus dance on our loooong way back to Buenos Aires.

Crazy bus party a few hours later. :-)


Anonymous said...

IS that you? JAJAJAJA

Edward said...

Hahaha, I wish. No, my Nordic arms are not quite as dark and hairy as that, thank you very much... ;-)

Anonymous said...

YOu wish??? JAJAJJAJAJ ;) YOu are funny and a little bit terrible ;)

Anonymous said...

Hej! God dag! Hur har du det?
VI ses mon petit ami!
I hope you be fine =)